Good Friday

I have nothing really to write today. Today is Good Friday-the centerpiece of the Christian calendar and the event that made Easter occur. I could write something glowing and reprint an excerpt from the Bible or perhaps from the sermon One Solitary Life. ( Which is, by the way a great read). Yet-as is always… Continue reading Good Friday

Opsec matters

And why you should practice it.

Gym Class

The S.O. and I joined a YMCA after Christmas. The reason we (I) did so was because they have Body Pump classes-which the on base gyms here do not have. Now the S.O-owing in large part to her lack of a J.O.B.- is able to go classes daily, but for me it is a relatively… Continue reading Gym Class

Heading home……

And the weather is bearing down on the probable place my plane is coming from. This ought to be interesting. Time for a beer! Here is a trivia question for you though : Why do pigs have more fun during sex than humans? Place your answer in the comments.

Understatement of the year.

From the news today: “Air Force officials say that U.S. Airways pilot Chesley B. Sullenberger III, who landed the Airbus A-320 on the Hudson River recently, has a distinguished Air Force past and is a specialist on aircraft safety. Among those who helped train Mr. Sullenberger during his time at the Air Force Academy was… Continue reading Understatement of the year.

No football this weekend…..

Which gives me a whole week to rub it in to Mark that the Seahawks will be watching this on TV. Which is as it should be! Go Steelers!

How it feels….

To be a middle of the road blogger sometimes: Very little time as I am getting ready for my trip to Korea. Beginning with this trip I will spend over 50% of the next 4 months on the road-criss crossing the pacific at least 8 times by my figuring. That does not include travel between… Continue reading How it feels….

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