
One of the more remarkable developments of this twisted and sick election has been the revelation that Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert and supposed champion of the downtrodden in corporate America, is actually a cheerleader for fascism. If you have been following his blog, you will note that he has been in the tank for Trump… Continue reading Dullbert

Funeral for a friend

I suffered the loss of a good friend last night. The United Kingdom ( May 1, 1707-June 23rd, 2016), America’s mother country, the source of US traditions and many of our values , a country that holds a special place in my heart, committed suicide last night. It was 409 years old. The corpse is still twitching… Continue reading Funeral for a friend

With whatever strength is given to me, I shall oppose him to the last.

The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it. -Albert Einstein One of the narratives that seems to be making the rounds these days is the idea that in this election, “both sides do it.” “Trump may… Continue reading With whatever strength is given to me, I shall oppose him to the last.

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