Tar Heel country…..

Long day today, made longer by the airline. Have not been able to post the last couple of days because the wireless connection in the room was not working. Now I’m back at my parents house-mooching off of their broandband connection. Tired and ready for bed. More to come-please stay tuned.

Categorized as Travel

Happens all the time………

How many times has this happened to you? You rent a car on a business trip, loan it to a co-worker who subsequently loans it to a stripper. The stripper is pulled over and the car impounded. Your co-worker then rents the exact same type of car and passes it off as the original, which… Continue reading Happens all the time………

Categorized as Travel

And so it begins………

The mother of all road trips. Hawaii-Norfolk-Japan-Australia-a destination to be named later. 5 countries in over 7 weeks. Doing my small bit to help the Australians defend themselves against the seething godless hordes to the north. Or east. Or west. Or south. (Never know what those Penguins may be up to…….). I’m not sure which… Continue reading And so it begins………

A post about nothing…….

But without Seinfeld’s ratings. Yesterday was a very interesting day. No real reason for that, I meandered around Hong Kong, and amazingly enough left Wanchai relatively early. However it was just one of those days, a good day, with some unusual twists and turns. Woke up at a reasonable hour-which is amazing in itself, given… Continue reading A post about nothing…….

Out and about…….

Starting a road trip today. Couple a days of fun in my second favorite city (HK) then on to Korea followed by Hawaii. Try packing for those climate changes with just one suitcase! Korea weather is 0.2 degrees Celcius when last I checked. Honolulu is in the 70’s……….. Yep, needed a second suitcase…thank God for… Continue reading Out and about…….

Categorized as Travel

Traveling man!

Is a happy man. On the road again. Partly for business, partly for peace of mind. Heading down to the not so fragrant harbor to do some serious thinking about life and its current direction. As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for, someday yoou may surely get it. After that on my… Continue reading Traveling man!

Lazy man’s post!

I got back early this evening. So after an hour of watching TV , I said, “screw it!” So I snuck out to my favorite little watering hole, to sit at the bar and admire the bartender and her strapless bra…..(beneath a revealing top). Now I’m back and off to bed. But not before I… Continue reading Lazy man’s post!

Lazy man's post!

I got back early this evening. So after an hour of watching TV , I said, “screw it!” So I snuck out to my favorite little watering hole, to sit at the bar and admire the bartender and her strapless bra…..(beneath a revealing top). Now I’m back and off to bed. But not before I… Continue reading Lazy man's post!

Speaking of air travel!

Steeljaw Scribe has a nice clip that reminds me of what I dreamed air travel was, but is not. The video at the link hearkens back to the days when service was important, stewardesses were pretty, and in light of the London plot, air travel was probably safer. Check it out.

Categorized as Travel
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