Reading lists…….

On my back across the pond to the correct side of the International Date Line. United has surpassed my already low expectations by dropping me into SFO 2 hours late. Fortunately I planned for this, having done more than a coupld OJ esque runs to the gate before. So I am in the lounge catching… Continue reading Reading lists…….

I’m still here!

I’m not dead (yet!). But getting to be able to read or post this blog or others is hard this trip. I’m on a very odd shift and I have to be in bed pretty early because of a pretty early wake up. So talk about this. Its not just America that deals with protesters………… Continue reading I’m still here!

I'm still here!

I’m not dead (yet!). But getting to be able to read or post this blog or others is hard this trip. I’m on a very odd shift and I have to be in bed pretty early because of a pretty early wake up. So talk about this. Its not just America that deals with protesters………… Continue reading I'm still here!

Hostage Taking………

SNN (Skippy News Network) News Feed. DATELINE Yokosuka Japan– 5000 American Sailors were held hostage for 6 hours on an aging ship today, by a man with a known reputation for shooting people. This tense stand off was only resolved when ransom demands of applause, a good sound bite, and a helicopter were paid. We… Continue reading Hostage Taking………

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