Japan is ending its refueling mission in the Indian Ocean: The Maritime Self-Defense Force’s refueling mission in the Indian Ocean ended Friday, upon the expiration of the relevant law. The mission was in support of U.S.-led antiterrorism operations in and around Afghanistan that began in the wake of the Sept.
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End of the world as they know it?
The world of Microsoft that is. Damn! I’ll hate it when I have to buy that MAC…………….
Continue readingTwo things I wish we could vote on today.
I’m off to go stand in line soon. Shopping Mall USA is expecting its largest turnout-ever. If there is one good thing about this election its that. I wish that I did not have to work today. Why is that? Most civilized countries vote on Sunday or give a day
Continue readingDear Mr Gates…….
If you wonder why the Apple computer company survives-well go back and look what your minions have been doing while you and Melinda were out saving the world. (How’s that going by the way?-Judging by the world these days, I’d say not so well.) Consider what it takes to install
Continue readingThe day for lovers……..
Which is not going to include me tonight! Happy f**king Valentines Day! S.O. is sick today and to make matters worse-is really being a b i t c h. Now mind you, one of the benefits of being older is realizing that its not personal. Its simply the way for her
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To be working on this project I’m doing this coming month in Korea: Staying late working on drafts of things that will be rejected: And dealing with this guy: I can hardly wait to board the plane! 🙁
Continue readingJust in case you were wondering……
How the work has been going this week. I refer you back to here. Hemlock’s advice still holds-1 year later. Subscribe in a reader
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Rumours of my demise are greatly exaggerated. However, due to the fact that my laptop keyboard was not working so well…..(spilled beer seems to inhibit the free flow of electrons)AND the effects of five 14 hour days in a row-blog posting just had to go to the back of the
Continue readingAnd so it begins………
Well today was a day that should have been a good day to go golf, do some sight seeing, maybe even go into Seoul. I should have done any of those things. But I did not. Really did not do much of all, except take it easy, watch movies and
Continue readingIt’s official.
It’s August, I have to go to Korea for Ultimate FutiLity, and I am really depressed. The Korea Folks know what I’m talking about. Because it is that wonderful time of year, when thousands of people converge upon the Korean Peninsula to see for themselves the world of micromanagement-as only
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