I once again, marvel at the stupidity of the pro-gun community. The bodies from the Santa Barbara are hardly even cold-and yet we have to hear this: “Your dead kids don’t trump my Constitutional rights.” – Joe the Plumber (yea, that guy) to the families of the Isla Vista shooting victims,
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Why the Navy is horribly wrong.
This has always been a stupid idea on the part of the US Navy. I experienced it in 1975, when, in order to win a scholarship- I had to Major in Mathematics, a field of study I hated, so as to become a Naval Officer. The only benefit therein to
Continue readingBuzzword Bingo
I came across this article the other day about the slide into jargon that the military and so many Amercian businesses have gotten into. I think Mr. Marr has a point. In the article below-he mentions the worst offenders. Several drinking games come to mind seeing this list. By Bernard
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Oh you know, the usual delights. What was the number of that truck driving school again? There are some days I really envy truck drivers. When I was back in the US in DC-I met a lot of people who have jobs just like mine. They have the extra down
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The program managers have their weekly conference with the Director of the 223rd worst place to work in the Federal government:
Continue readingI’m sure those black T-shirts will fix it.
This is unbelievable. In a slap at the fading and officially out-of-favor tradition of racy, sarcastic and irreverent aviation call signs, a just-retired Navy fighter squadron commanding officer was censured by Navy Secretary Ray Mabus Wednesday for failing to halt and subsequently condoning the hazing of a junior officer at
Continue readingAn un-enterprising mindset….
This post is not so lovingly dedicated to Phib’s commenter Anathema, who was the central figure in the comment fest over at his place. The veracity with which he defends the flawed decision making of our gutless Naval Leadership-compels me to write this post. Please forward to him if you
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And Rodney Dangerfield thought he did not get any respect!
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4 Billion Dollars. That’s the amount of money spent on the midterm elections this year. Its a staggering sum-especially when you consider that the supposed central theme of this election year is anger about money being wasted. 4 billion dollars. Thing what that money could have done put to a
Continue readingWell, so much for that idea……
I really thought I was going to get some posting done this week. Lots to write about with the Tour De France, Steinbrenner dying, and other events going on. But alas it was not to be. Maybe tomorrow. I’m locking my blackberry in my safe and not touching it all
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