Fun facts

I subscribe to several daily business newsletters via e-mail. One is called Morning Brew. It is a trendy and very visually exciting newsletter that is focused on millennials but is also kind enough to let older gentlemen such as myself subscribe and read its content. In their June 11th edition I stumbled onto this, not… Continue reading Fun facts

Short-sighted folks

I could not help observing during the visit of the Orange Monster to the mother country, how a certain segment of the American population is so blind to the realities of the world that was created in the wake of World War II. And I am talking specifically of that contemptible breed of American who:… Continue reading Short-sighted folks

This is nothing to celebrate.

This past weekend at the commencement ceremonies for Morehouse College, billionaire Robert Smith promised to pay off the student loan debt fully of every student graduating in 2019. When you consider that Morehouse had 396 people graduating. Just for argument’s sake lets assume all of them had student loans, that comes to approximately $25000 –… Continue reading This is nothing to celebrate.

Brief summaries of the age we live in.

It is pretty astounding when you think about it. 243 years of American Democracy have come and gone – and the Republic has withered challenges that it has survived and prospered from. But the thing that most Americans failed to realize was, just how easy it could have been not to survive those challenges. Especially… Continue reading Brief summaries of the age we live in.

The last great President

I made a point of getting home early today so I could watch the state funeral for George Herbert Walker Bush, the 41st President of the United States and probably the last President ever that will be able to be spoken of with the words, “great President”. It was with sadness I watched the service,… Continue reading The last great President

While Mr. Madison weeps

Like a lot of Americans, I had the misfortune to watch the travesty that was the hearings on Brett fucking Kavanaugh last week. I really wasn’t inclined to watch them, rather I was more of a mind to wait till I read the transcripts afterward. But the S.O., surprisingly, wanted to watch them – from… Continue reading While Mr. Madison weeps

It’s like a foreign language

One thing that is truly depressing about our current era is that it is virtually impossible to have a conversation anymore about issues of national importance. To take a position on something is to invite immediate attack and its become just about impossible to hold a semi literate conversation in a bar or other such… Continue reading It’s like a foreign language

200 Dollars well spent

If there are only two news outlets you can subscribe to, I recommend the following: The Economist ($139.00/yr) and the products of STRATFOR ($99.00/yr). It is money well spent and when you think about it is just a years worth of Netflix and Hulu. STRATFOR recently published its 10 year forecast for the decade through… Continue reading 200 Dollars well spent

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