Yesterday afternoon, the Devil's apprentice himself, Paul Ryan ( Worthless Cocksucker-WI) and his Democratic counterpart Mrs Landingham (H/t to Charles Pierce for the term) announced they had reached a budget deal. Some deal. Rather than go for the straightforward approach of repealing the rest of the Bush tax cuts and
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“My country is a horror show.”
David Simon, speaking at a forum in Sydney Australia gave a very perceptive rundown about what ails the land of my birth. He points out very eloquently a theme that the Pope and others have been highlighting recently, namely that income inequality is dangerous and if we don't do something
Continue readingThe Pope gets it.
I'm liking Pope Francis more and more each day. He is doing what Pope Palpatine did not, and for that matter what Saint John Paul II seemed unable to do either when he was Pope. Namely highlighting the societal trends that at odds with church teachings-and using the bully pulpit
Continue readingAnd people wonder why they hate them.
You can thank my worthless excuse for a Representative, the not so honorable Mo Brooks, for this lovely bit of stock advice: Having spent two hours talking to House Republicans, my expert investment advice is: Short everything — daveweigel (@daveweigel) October 15, 2013 Please go die in a fire.
Continue readingI’m tired of hearing about the children……
In this debt fight nonsense, the deficit scolds continue to say "its for the children". Whenever I hear that what I want to reply is something profane-and with good reason. The children lose no matter what, if the cruel and inhumane policy prescriptions are carried out. What the arrogant and
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Congress imposed a government shutdown? Fuck you, pay me. Oh, had a fire? Fuck you, pay me. The place got hit by lightning? Fuck you, pay me. ( All posts will start with this until the shutdown is over). The President summed up the issues at play in this shutdown pretty well yesterday.
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Henry Hill: [voice over] Now he's got Paulie as a partner. Any problems, he goes to Paulie. Trouble with a bill, to Paulie. Trouble with cops, deliveries, Tommy, he calls Paulie. But now he has to pay Paulie every week no matter what. "Business bad? Fuck you, pay me. Oh, had a
Continue readingWhy I am glad they don’t have CSPAN over here.
So I don't have to listen to assholes like Ted Cruz babble on for 21 hours. Law #1: Godwin’s Corollary Law of Teabagging Congress “As any Teabagger protest in Congress grows longer, the odds of a comparison involving the Nazis or Hitler approaches ’1.’ Corollary: The first person to mention
Continue readingAnd while we are on the subject……
Of Mark Steyn-a completely useless man. Here's another point of view that highlights my steadfast belief that Mark Steyn should just go fuck himself: “Had we rolled out something that was very smooth and disciplined and linear, they would have graded it well, even if it was a disastrous policy.
Continue readingShe needs more than just a ring on her finger.
A lot of Alumni from my alma mater are going all out to convince other graduates of a certain distinguished military college-that one should support the primary efforts of Nancy Mace to unseat Senator Lindsey Graham in 2014. Now I am not a South Carolina resident, so in theory I
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