A big difference.

Time for this one to go home! Sitting here in the lounge-having visited my father for the last few days, and headed back across the Atlantic and, sadly, back to work. Which I am confident will be unappreciated by our new Zombie masters. The lounge here is packed, which is more than a little frustrating. Could… Continue reading A big difference.

“My country is a horror show.”

David Simon, speaking at a forum in Sydney Australia gave a very perceptive rundown about what ails the land of my birth. He points out very eloquently a theme that the Pope and others have been highlighting recently, namely that income inequality is dangerous  and if we don't do something about it, we are risking… Continue reading “My country is a horror show.”

Got to have someone to blame….

I subscribe to Charles Pierce's first law of Blog Economics , namely: "Fk The Deficit. People got no jobs. People got no money." Pierce rightly notes that with the suicidal plunge of the teabag wing of the Republican party over the ACA, " the deficit fetishists are back. Even Messrs. Simpson and Bowles have rolled… Continue reading Got to have someone to blame….

Let the whining continue…….

Mitt Romney seems to be having trouble adjusting to life as a worthless piece of shit an also-ran. First, here’s Willard, reminding us again that he only lost because he wouldn’t give the Poors all the nice things, like the things he gave all of us here in Massachusetts, when he was pretending that he… Continue reading Let the whining continue…….

But can she cook?

For 40 million British pounds-who cares? It would seem there could be a wealthy future out there for me……if I could just make the short list. Gigi Chao, daughter of property tycoon Cecil Chao, entered a civil partnership with her girlfriend of seven years in a ceremony in Paris five months ago. But Mr Chao,… Continue reading But can she cook?

Don’t kid yourself-a lot of people really believe it.

Facebook sentiments are a rather inaccurate measure of public opinion to be sure. But if the views of my more conservative Facebook friends are any measure-all of the people who are pronouncing Romney’s campaign “dead” based on his rather infamous “47 percent of the country is irresponsible” remarks, are acting prematurely. About this year’s Presidential… Continue reading Don’t kid yourself-a lot of people really believe it.

Has to be seen to be believed…..

Over the last couple of days I have been witness to one of those continuing conversations that can only occur in the one dimensional space that is the internet. You know the kind-that actually go back and forth reasonably well-until the zealot shows up. The zealot of course being that young guy, who hasn’t experienced… Continue reading Has to be seen to be believed…..

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