Malevolent surgery

ma·lev·o·lent? ?/m??l?v?l?nt/ –adjective 1. wishing evil or harm to another or others; showing ill will; ill-disposed; malicious: His failures made him malevolent toward those who were successful. 2. evil; harmful; injurious: a malevolent inclination to destroy the happiness of others. 3. Astrology . evil or malign in influence. That is what fully 60% of the… Continue reading Malevolent surgery

Tail wagging the dog.

That would be what Allen West seems to appear to thrive on doing. Earlier this week-our boy Allen West once again showed his “Reader’s Digest” understanding of history when he decided to play the Churchill card: Mr. Speaker: Will we be Chamberlain or will we be Churchill? Neville Chamberlain, the Prime Minister of the United… Continue reading Tail wagging the dog.

The money is out there……

And Allen West and his retarded Tea Party “friends” know it. Which explains why they have manufactured a budget crisis that need not exist: And that doesn’t even begin to account for the savings we could have by leaving Afghanistan and Iraq, immediately.

The truth the poster child won’t tell you.

I went to body pump after work tonight. Angie, who is actually a very good instructor, decided that we all needed extra beatings in anticipation of the upcoming weekend. Suffice it to say I was dragging ass by the time we got to the pushups and crunches. They suck! I had begun a long post … Continue reading The truth the poster child won’t tell you.

An open letter to the poster child……

I dispatched the following letter to Congressman West today. That’s right-our boy Allen West.  In Allen West-you find everything that is wrong with the our new Galtian overlords all rolled up into one package. Watching this video filled me with disgust and enough anger, that I felt a responsibilty to write the guy himself: The… Continue reading An open letter to the poster child……

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