Joining the pile on

Castigating Bill Arkin. Where the hell does he get this from? These soldiers should be grateful that the American public, which by all polls overwhelmingly disapproves of the Iraq war and the President’s handling of it,do still offer their support to them, and their respect. Through every Abu Ghraib and Haditha, through every rape and… Continue reading Joining the pile on

Still here

In the middle of moving this week. Also in the middle of watching Kim Jong Il be an idiot on Japanese TV. Its been all North Korea all the time since the missile launches. So while I’m unpacking, go over to Peking duck and read some of the fine articles he’s posted. Especially the letter… Continue reading Still here

Damn the media..Where’s the good news about Iraq?

I recieved another couple of e-mails yesterday about the media’s coverage of the Iraq mess. These writings all have the same theme: ” Why are not the media talking about all the good things that are happening in Iraq? What about all the schools opened and the private enterprise and the uplifting of women and… Continue reading Damn the media..Where’s the good news about Iraq?

Damn the media..Where's the good news about Iraq?

I recieved another couple of e-mails yesterday about the media’s coverage of the Iraq mess. These writings all have the same theme: ” Why are not the media talking about all the good things that are happening in Iraq? What about all the schools opened and the private enterprise and the uplifting of women and… Continue reading Damn the media..Where's the good news about Iraq?

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