Cut the number of flag officers down to size. ABILENE, Kan. (AP) — Warring against waste, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Saturday he is ordering a top-to-bottom paring of the military bureaucracy in search of at least $10 billion in annual savings needed to prevent an erosion of U.S. combat
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The man just may have a point….
Sen Jim Webb that is: Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., is pressing the Defense Department for justification of why the military has so many flag and general officers, and he also wants to know why the military is paying salary and tuition assistance to officers on loan to some Washington, D.C.,
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Something that occurred to me-and has bothered me for a long time, is the idea that somehow one generation of serving military is somehow superior to another. I hate to break it to you-but in the Navy, for a LONG TIME, a lot of great Sailors were out there doing
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One reason I have pretty much parted ways with a lot of the mil-blogging community, is it unrelenting tendency to “pile on” on relatively minor issues while refusing to dig deeper on issues of major import to the military community. It has become almost an article of faith, that a
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Phibian posted this. When I saw it-I just had to send it far and wide. This is so true of my Navy, and a lot of other places in DOD. Are they listening? Nope. Sign No. 1: Conspicuously posted vision or value statements are filled with vague but important-sounding words
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With all the money the Navy is blowing on F-18’s and F-35’s and LCS’s these days-they could buy the whole E-2 fleet a couple of times over: The E-2D Hawkeye is over budget, but the Navy needs it anyway, defense officials told Congress this month. Since 2003, the E-2D program’s
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In style. Another contemporary of mine has retired. Only he did it in the style that only he can do. ….he passes through the “side-boys” down the “after-brow” and “ashore” where he “doffs” his uniform blouse, dons a Hawaiian shirt, his wife cuts off his uniform trousers into shorts, then
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I’ve been following with considerable interest, the ongoing war debate between Thomas Ricks and the service academies. It all started with this article in the Washington Post: After covering the U.S. military for nearly two decades, I’ve concluded that graduates of the service academies don’t stand out compared to other
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This statement on the budget by Secretary Gates. I’ve only had a chance to quickly peruse it-but I think he’s made some of the right calls on first glance. F-22 -How many yachts are enought Gordon? DDG-1000? Right call there. VH-71? Did it to itself. Missile defense? No comment for
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Every once in a great while, the local fish wrapper here in Shopping Mall USA prints a nice story-about nice people. Today was one of those days. Follow me inside and read about Chooch, Great American………..
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