American Sniper

An FB friend posted a link to the following blog post: entitled “Why I almost walked out of American Sniper“. No, it’s not a quote from Michael Moore-its a quote from a supporter of the country and the military. I can agree with her logic, up to a point : Stated plainly, we complain about dumb things most… Continue reading American Sniper

Busy week.

And what a sad week it has been too. The news from Paris is sad, tragic and sadly, all too expected in this day and age. In solidarity with the right of a free press to publish what it wants to and not be subject to censorship at the point of a gun- I am republishing one… Continue reading Busy week.

Categorized as Memorials

And we are back.

Spent the last five days in France. It was outstanding-especially as we went to visit the Normandy Beaches. Pix to follow over the next few days. So here is where I spent my 4th-no fireworks, but a lot of sincere feeling for the folks who can never leave this place: “Not for the dead, not… Continue reading And we are back.

Categorized as Memorials

1st of two Memorial Day Posts.

Today is Memorial Day-and fortunately for me, I am alive, and spending it at home. For a lot of Soldiers, Sailors, Airman and Marines that is not true.  So it is very important that we remember their sacrifices-and honor their memories. Today I wanted to re-post about one such sacrifice-one that I wrote about a few… Continue reading 1st of two Memorial Day Posts.

Categorized as Memorials

2nd of two Memorial Day Posts.

I paraphrased this bit of writing from Herman Wouk a couple of years back. I still think its a marvelous bit of writing and particularly appropriate as “America begins to leave the world stage”. Not because it was forced to-but because of those who feel that merely dying for your fellow servicemen is sufficient justification for… Continue reading 2nd of two Memorial Day Posts.

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela passed away at the age of 95 yesterday. Clearly, the world has lost a great man. He was great not just because he struggled against apartheid -but when the tables finally turned; he did not give in to the instincts to take vengeance on his oppressors-but to seek a middle path that made… Continue reading Nelson Mandela

Lou Reed , Rest in Peace

It is with great sadness, that I note the death of Lou Reed, at 71. He was a master artist of his generation-and contrary to what Phib thinks, added much to the general discourse. As did most of the baby boom generation. My favorite song by Lou Reed was not so popular. Nonetheless, it was… Continue reading Lou Reed , Rest in Peace

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