Ok, I admit it-I snapped. When I followed the Memorandum link to Mr. Jacobson's blaming of Obama for "losing" the Middle East, I lost my temper. And with good reason too-I expect better logic and a better perspective on the history of the region-and an understanding of the peoples that
Continue readingCategory: Israel and Palestine
Shalom odds and ends
Well I have finally gotten out from under the crush of work that always awaits you when you get back from two + weeks on the road. While I was in Israel I had meant to pass along some of my observations of the country and the things I saw
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The folks over at Foreign Policy Magazine have a pretty interesting article up-pointing out that in a lot of ways, the current situation Vis a Vis Iran is similar to that which John Adams faced: A foreign power creating headaches for American policy and a distinct segment of the US
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Is a whole fascination thing I never understood. However there are some guys who just get breathless thinking about the idea of a girl toting an Uzi. Me? Its just another woman out there who now has a way to inflict yet more pain on men and in the process
Continue readingProxy War- Part II
Yesterday I talked about how George Bush and Syria’s President were in agreement about what to do about Hezbolah in Lebanon. Talk a good game, but do nothing to stop the fighting. Today I’ll examin why George Bush will do nothing in Lebanon till Israel has put a dent in
Continue readingProxy War-Part I
Another day another 200 killed, maimed, or fleeing in Lebanon. Familiar news headlines that start with “Israeli warplanes bomb (fill in the blank)” or “Hezbollah declares it hatred of the Zionists. Bombs set off in (fill in the blank).” And the US Navy, one of whose missions is to evacuate
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Sitting here in the lounge at DFW awaiting the long trip back to Tokyo. Watching people go about their business. And I can’t help but thinking: Does anyone here realize that there is war going on? That over 200,000 Americans are out in a variety of locations, none of which
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