But I thought we won?

Evidently not…… Repeat after me: There is not going to be any victory, no matter how long we stay or how soon we leave. Iraq is probably going to be violent for many years to come, and likely will be a closer ally of Iran than of the United States-nice job, W! For President Obama,… Continue reading But I thought we won?

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The used car salesman……

I’ll have to say this, we are living in interesting times. Obama makes Republicans happy and pisses off Democrats about Iraq, who would have thunk it? If David Petraeaus needs a job after he leaves the military-assumng he does not continue his role as 21st Century American Caesar and run for President-he can always take… Continue reading The used car salesman……

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All is well that ends well…….

Or so John McCain and his legions would have you believe. In a nutshell, the sycophants and the other McCain true believers would have you believe that just because things might actually be looking up in Iraq, that it somehow excuses every one of the blunders that were made getting to where we are today.… Continue reading All is well that ends well…….

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Four more years?

Of George Bush? Matthew Yglsieas has a great find: There’s an excellent piece by Elisabeth Bumiller in The New York Times which makes the point that one area in which Bush and McCain now differ is foreign policy. Specifically, Bush has — without explicitly admitting any errors — moved away from his earlier, disastrous policies… Continue reading Four more years?

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Why its frustrating……

To talk about the war with neocon supporters. Andrew Sullivan rightly castigates Uncle Jimbo, Bill Kristol, and all the other actors in the theater of the absurd: “perhaps you could provide some convincing evidence that the U.S. can invade a country, topple its regime, leave immediately – and expect a lasting, positive outcome.” Leave immediately?… Continue reading Why its frustrating……

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They can be taught!

To think for themselves. The Iraqis that is. I admit, that I marveled at this little tidbit in the news: Maliki said he was concerned about military pressure aimed at Iran regarding the country’s nuclear activities, adding he would not permit U.S. forces to use Iraqi land, airspace and waterways as a means for attacking… Continue reading They can be taught!

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A splash of cold water to the face.

That Uncle Jimbo and the other rah, rah, war without end-amen, cheerleaders need to hear. Except they would not listen to it. Or worse yet,  simply accuse the writer of disloyalty to the nation. Because some people seem to love Arabs-more than they care about Americans: America’s responsibility for the current stability and future prospects… Continue reading A splash of cold water to the face.

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Just one day in Iraq……..

” . . . If we succeed in Iraq, which I believe we are, the rest of it takes care of itself,” said McCain. “Most Americans are becoming more and more aware that the surge is succeeding “-John McCain ” The Surge worked.”-John McCain and Senator Lieberman DO NOT ADJUST YOUR SET. Because in Iraq,… Continue reading Just one day in Iraq……..

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