Acknowledging the truth that you do not wish to hear.

I have been watching with interest, the mil-blog reaction to the “new” strategy announced by the President and the Secretary of Defense-namely that the US has to know its limitations; and that so long as we choose to not raise enough revenue, then cuts must come to the federal budget. And as much as it… Continue reading Acknowledging the truth that you do not wish to hear.

Idle musings on the moon, America-and the death of optimism.

Today is July 20th. Only proper to write about the moon landings, right? Its being written over at plenty of blogs this day-and its is an anniversary of a great achievement. Except-as Tom Wolfe points out in a well written essay, its also the begining of the end of the glory days for NASA and… Continue reading Idle musings on the moon, America-and the death of optimism.

I'll buzz in on that one, Alex.

 "I’ll take stupid neocon fantasies for 400, Alex." "Ok, Skippy: The answer is: "one of the reasons there is a substantial reform movement in Iran — particularly among its young people — is because of George W. Bush’s tough policies." " What is one of the biggest lies Ari Flesicher ever told?" " Correct, Skippy-you… Continue reading I'll buzz in on that one, Alex.

I’ll buzz in on that one, Alex.

 "I’ll take stupid neocon fantasies for 400, Alex." "Ok, Skippy: The answer is: "one of the reasons there is a substantial reform movement in Iran — particularly among its young people — is because of George W. Bush’s tough policies." " What is one of the biggest lies Ari Flesicher ever told?" " Correct, Skippy-you… Continue reading I’ll buzz in on that one, Alex.

Liberation Theology………..

It pains me greatly (I’ve been OD’ing on John Adams DVD’s today) to give pause from my narrow commentary on the various and sundry musing’s on my life-to jump back into the fluid waters of political discussion. Ordinarily, I would have waited till the year was farther along, but when one reads cravenly incorrect diatribe,… Continue reading Liberation Theology………..

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