I went to body pump after work tonight. Angie, who is actually a very good instructor, decided that we all needed extra beatings in anticipation of the upcoming weekend. Suffice it to say I was dragging ass by the time we got to the pushups and crunches. They suck! I
Continue readingCategory: Head in the sand idiots
Well, I must be getting over my jet lag because I find myself able to marshall rage at obvious stupidity again. And judging by the news today there is plenty of it. The difference between now and yesteryear though is that I find myself wishing to drive the point home
Continue readingThe end of having to hear about Sarah Palin?
One can only hope. A certain segment of the American people love Governor Palin because she’s attractive and represents the final triumph of ignorance in political discourse. She speaks almost entirely in bumper sticker sized soundbites, which is fine with them because they have no desire to even think in
Continue readingPhib’s not going to like this……
My Canadian counterpart has done a first rate bit of fisking of Andrew Breitbart’s despicable foreign policy web site, Big Peace. (Sorry-no link. I won’t link to that erstwhile perpetrator of human stupidity.). He’s made the same point I tried to tell the Phibian way back when: Andrew Breitbart is
Continue readingAbout Wikileaks……….
Anyone who has read a lot at this blog knows that I have been fairly consistent in my opposition to the Iraq War. I was opposed to it from the run up to it in 2002-and I remain of the opinion that the war was a huge mistake. A human,
Continue readingThe numbers game
I pointed this out before-one of the key elements of Teabag strategy, if it can be called that, is based on a numbers game. Getting all of their folks out-who really don’t represent a majority of Americans-and keeping the rest of us at home. America has one of the most miserable
Continue readingFall weekend in the mountains
I have been trying to persuade the S.O. for this entire week that we need to head up into the mountains in Tennessee. She resisted it all week-till she called me up yesterday and said she wants to go. So off we go today- I had to put the details
Continue readingPlaying the tape to the end….
I despise the Tea Party-they represent to me a danger to the United States that is equal to any other the country has faced. A few million docile swine-being manipulated by some very unscrupluous men. They may not being wearing brown shirts physically-but they are of the same caliber of
Continue readingThe dumbest blogger on the planet….
Not for nothing, does Megan McArdle deserve the title, “Dumbest Blogger Ever”. Ezra Klein does a great job destroying a post by both her and her husband. The subject-health care reform and the lies that are consistently told about it.
Continue readingThe people in the crowd say it all………
At Beckapoolaza. Just cause I like to beat this particular horse ( and I have never known anyone else who deserves a beating more than Beck does. And before you start Curtis it is not wrong to hate him.) I thought I would post a few pics from “real Ameruuuika”: There it
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