I am a reader of Duffleblog, and in today’s topsy turvy world, while they are supposed to be satire – they approach the truth to a much closer degree than they care to admit. You should know I am talking about the story in The Atlantic where Jeffery Goldberg reminded
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No upside-only down sides.
To attacking Syria. All the usual suspects are lining up telling us how we have to "do something" in Syria. I really don't understand why. Apparently a lot of other Americans don't understand why either, judging by polls that say a majority of Americans are opposed to any intervention in
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I have been accused from time to time, of being over the top when it comes to taking out my anger at the spoiled children who inhabit the halls of the US Congress. They do reprehensible things every day and yet I am not allowed to call for their march
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WWJD ? The party of no will be happy to tell you-and before any one goes high and right on the idea that it is sacrilegious-recognize it for the satire of the views of our tri-corner hat wearing friends that it is. They have already said plenty of equally silly
Continue readingGuess who agrees with Obama?
The father of modern capitalism, that’s who: The necessaries of life occasion the great expense of the poor. . . . The luxuries and vanities of life occasion the principal expense of the rich, and a magnificent house embellishes and sets off to the best advantage all the other luxuries
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McCain’s not Saint Sarah’s………………………………………………… It would seem the people at Fact Check.Org do like having their words distorted. But McCain does not care one little bit-he’s going to do what ever it takes. He was a POW you know, that makes him invulnerable to character attacks: Current campaign aides and
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