The New Year Arrives.

And it is the year of the rabbit you know: Akemashite omedeto gozaimasu! Kore kara mo yoroshiku onegai shimasu! (Congratulations on the new year! In this year too, please favor me!)

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Ho ho ho!

As Ben Rothilensberger would say- let’s hear it for the Ho’s! Steelers on TV tonight. Play well with the other children-I’ve got 55 inches of HD black and gold to watch.

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Once again-with feeling.

Why you should be concerned about the upcoming Comcast NBC merger, and why Net Neutrality is important to you. A free and open internet is the single greatest technology of our culture, and control should not be at the mercy of corporations. 2 .A free and open internet stimulates competition. 3. A free and open… Continue reading Once again-with feeling.

Clicking the link.

Because sometimes when I do click the link-I feel like this:

Categorized as Blogging

Creating a monster.

I have been conducting FACEBOOK repair on the S.O’s I- phone tonight. Have also had to hold remedial I tunes training. This has killed my carefully prepared posting. This is going to keep her at the computer and me away from it…………… Thank God for the I-pad.

Categorized as Blogging

Blog update

I have finally gotten off my dead ass and updated the Pix page. All my Bucharest pictures are now up there.

Categorized as Blogging

Responding to the meme.

Savannah has tasked me with answering the meme of 8. Eight questions about blogging. I can never resist a challenge so here are my answers. Your mileage may very-but this is mine: 1. Why did you start blogging? I began this blog out of a sense of frustration responding to a huge personal disappointment in… Continue reading Responding to the meme.

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