Far East Cynic

And while we are on the subject……

Of Mark Steyn-a completely useless man. Here's another point of view that highlights my steadfast belief that Mark Steyn should just go fuck himself: “Had we rolled out something that was very smooth and disciplined and linear, they would have graded it well, even if it was a disastrous policy.

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Breitbart still sucks

Charles Johnson has observed on several occasions that while the late, not so dearly departed, Andrew Breitbart was well and truly one of the United States’ biggest morons-the children who write in his stead can top it.   Sure enough, Breitbrat Ben Shapiro’s moronic attack on President Obama’s Thanksgiving address was rapidly

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Don’t kid yourself-a lot of people really believe it.

Facebook sentiments are a rather inaccurate measure of public opinion to be sure. But if the views of my more conservative Facebook friends are any measure-all of the people who are pronouncing Romney’s campaign “dead” based on his rather infamous “47 percent of the country is irresponsible” remarks, are acting

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