The other day, a Facebook "friend" ( friend being a rather incorrect term-better defined as "someone I used to know and work with and have little, if anything, in common with now -save for the fact we both served in the US Navy") "Sequestration and its impacts are the choice
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Will anything change?
The events in Connecticut are so horrific-it is just painful still to think about. 20 children-CHILDREN-and six adults all of whom got up and went to the Sandy Hook school thinking it was just another day. Now if the world were just, we as a nation would come together and
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I submit to you two quotes that help express my outrage at what happened in Connecticut today. "Guns don't attack children; psychopaths and sadists do. But guns uniquely allow a psychopath to wreak death and devastation on such a large scale so quickly and easily. America is the only
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Facebook sentiments are a rather inaccurate measure of public opinion to be sure. But if the views of my more conservative Facebook friends are any measure-all of the people who are pronouncing Romney’s campaign “dead” based on his rather infamous “47 percent of the country is irresponsible” remarks, are acting
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One of the things that amazes me, about the milblog commenting class-is how much they opposed decent human fairness, while they themselves benefit a lot from government largesse. Its not that the "entitlements" are undeserved-but its the selfishness with which they begrudge others the same benefits. I've struggled to find
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I am posting this post by my Candian Counterpart in its entirety. Its worth reading-every word-because it effectively lays to rest just about every bullshit argument we here from the ranting herd of ill-informed Fox News viewers. Take it away, Skippy Stalin: Even more troubling that the modern conservative shift
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I have a lot I would like to write about. I just have no spirit or energy to do so. I've been busy at work getting ready for a meeting next month. And at home I have been dealing with S.O.'s increasingly frivolous views of life and doing her womanly
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Is that group of increasingly reprehensible bloggers who make up the "professional right wing blogosphere". (Membership names listed below). Besides the fact that they generally have their facts wrong-they are just about universally a group of douchbags loathsome group of people to be around. Their blogs are essentially interchangeable, fact
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I am back here in the Whining States of America for a short while-for personal business-before returning to the fray on the other side of the Atlantic. Coming back to the US after a prolonged period of living someplace else always provides a good opportunity to showcase the ways America is
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You Godless harlots. John Cole has hit on the latest example of just how stupid a certain segment of America really is: Here is the Republican Governor of PA sharing some advice with women who will be forced to have an unnecessary ultrasound before having an abortion: Gov. Tom Corbett
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