Far East Cynic

Always acting against their own self interest.

 The other day, a Facebook "friend" ( friend being a rather incorrect term-better defined as "someone I used to know and work with and have little, if anything,  in common with now -save for the fact we both served in the US Navy") "Sequestration and its impacts are the choice

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Don’t kid yourself-a lot of people really believe it.

Facebook sentiments are a rather inaccurate measure of public opinion to be sure. But if the views of my more conservative Facebook friends are any measure-all of the people who are pronouncing Romney’s campaign “dead” based on his rather infamous “47 percent of the country is irresponsible” remarks, are acting

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People would rather vote against themselves than do what is right.

One of the things that amazes me, about the milblog commenting class-is how much they opposed decent human fairness, while they themselves benefit a lot from government largesse. Its not that the "entitlements" are undeserved-but its the selfishness with which they begrudge others the same benefits. I've struggled to find

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The Liars Club

Is that group of increasingly reprehensible bloggers who make up the "professional right wing blogosphere". (Membership names listed below).  Besides the fact that they generally have their facts wrong-they are just about universally a group of douchbags loathsome group of people to be around. Their blogs are essentially interchangeable, fact

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