For those who don’t know, Mr. David Green, he is the worthless, religious zealot who runs Hobby Lobby. Today, in a decision that highlights just how political and out of touch with the law the Supreme Court has become-and how dysfunctional the American government has become-he was given a free hand
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The Vandals are hard at work.
Congress imposed a government shutdown? Fuck you, pay me. Oh, had a fire? Fuck you, pay me. The place got hit by lightning? Fuck you, pay me. ( All posts will start with this until the shutdown is over). I awoke this morning at my usual time and I started to get up.
Continue readingWhy I am glad they don’t have CSPAN over here.
So I don't have to listen to assholes like Ted Cruz babble on for 21 hours. Law #1: Godwin’s Corollary Law of Teabagging Congress “As any Teabagger protest in Congress grows longer, the odds of a comparison involving the Nazis or Hitler approaches ’1.’ Corollary: The first person to mention
Continue readingThe reality of the situation is disturbing at times.
There are times, only a few, that I think that the election of Barak Obama-while quite necessary from the stand point of stopping some of the lunacy of the Bush years-may have been a bad thing in the long term. Perhaps it would have been better to plunge on into
Continue readingSome people remain true to form.
Some people are just incapable of change. Or understanding anything. Like Jim Hoft, The Dumbest Man on The Internet. Or his worthless colleagues at the Liars Club. Consistently-worthless pieces of s**t, each and every one of them. And Charles Pierce had the temerity this weekend to point that out: There
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There is not much for me to say about the verdict. I feel about the same way I did when OJ was aquitted-shock that it happened, and no surprise that it happened exactly the way it did in Florida. Florida's gun laws suck-and the "stand your ground law" that Zimmerman based
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I love the writing of Charles Pierce. First of all,he is not afraid of all the conservative concern trolls who get all bent out of shape when one calls one of the Representatives from Wisconisn , the "zombie eyed granny starver" he truly is. Nor does he fall apart when they
Continue readingYes Virginia, these people are that crazy.
I have been watching with great interest the cries of anguish over the so called "scandals" that have your dyed in the wool member of the Teabag set, salivating and dreaming of the day they get their revenge. Just for grins I actually dropped in on the group "that prides
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I have been reading the reactions to the sequester-and I am truly coming to the firm conviction that the United States of America has gone insane. Not only did Congress not avoid this abomination-but they didn't even stick around and try to work it out even after the deadline has
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The douchebags elected representatives in Congress have once again failed miserably at their jobs.. You will notice the Countdown clock to your left, counting down the days till my furlough and or layoff-whichever comes first. One of my favorite writers, Charles Pierce has summed up the situation quite well: Whatever
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