The events in Connecticut are so horrific-it is just painful still to think about. 20 children-CHILDREN-and six adults all of whom got up and went to the Sandy Hook school thinking it was just another day. Now if the world were just, we as a nation would come together and
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I submit to you two quotes that help express my outrage at what happened in Connecticut today. "Guns don't attack children; psychopaths and sadists do. But guns uniquely allow a psychopath to wreak death and devastation on such a large scale so quickly and easily. America is the only
Continue readingAfter action report.
Its Thursday now, and after 13 hours of sleep last night-I went to bed at 6:15 PM- I feel much better. Meanwhile, the postmortems on the election have begun. And as I expected, some people are learning all the wrong lessons. Writing off the results of the election to a
Continue readingA great day for America!
I stayed up all night drinking and watching the news. I passed out fell asleep about 5AM. Woke up to the joyous news that the USA had been saved from the selfishness of its citizens. Obama won! I am so happy-and so hung over. God bless America!
Continue readingIt all comes down to today.
And don’t kid yourself sports fans-the entire world is watching the US election. One of the things that has always amazed me now-through 11 years of living overseas, is how much of the rest of the world watches and gets swept up in the madness that is American electoral politics.
Continue readingVoting is the best revenge.
John Hinderaker and the rest of the contemptible cocksuckers members of the Liars Club, are all up in arms over an offhand remark that Obama made in a stump speech a day ago. In a speech Obama mentioned his opponents and the crowd quite understandably began to boo-and Obama said, "No,
Continue readingMired in the swamp of unimportant things-forgetting the major turnoff we took to get here.
I've not felt much like posting these last few days-and tonight an incident occurred that crystallized for me why. I won't go into the details-except it brought home to me how truly polarized our populace is-and how ignorant as a whole it has become. It started with a post from
Continue readingChick Fil A is gay!
Some of the best common sense writing on the whole Chick Fil A controversy, has been authored by my Canadian counterpart in a couple of really great posts. As I noted previously in my own post-" I think this whole outrage over the remarks of Chick Fil A's president is
Continue readingA slow Sunday afternoon.
Back here in the Whining States of America-visiting with my father. Important to do, and I knew if I did not get here now-the odds of me getting back here before November are slim to none. Typing this post on the MacBook. I am liking the key board-as well as
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Poor John Adams, the poor man never gets his due. Our 2nd President may have saved America more than a couple times from its own worst influences, but he never gets any credit for it. Tea Bag America always would rather misquote his successor than give the man from Quincy
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