Ok, I admit it-I snapped. When I followed the Memorandum link to Mr. Jacobson's blaming of Obama for "losing" the Middle East, I lost my temper. And with good reason too-I expect better logic and a better perspective on the history of the region-and an understanding of the peoples that
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It is so nice to live in a country where there is decent train service again. Thus I was spared spending 4 hours on the Autobahn driving over to Bayreuth today. Instead I could take a train-sleep and read, and then pick up a car for a 30 minute drive
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And I'm back. Have been back for a couple of days-but tomorrow I am off again. Just time enough to do laundry. This time the travel is within Germany and I will be out of pocket for a couple of weeks. I do plan to post some though-and I intend
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UPDATE! Greetings Legal Insurrection readers! Comments are closed on this post. If you wish to comment you have to go here and read this first. William Jacobson is a worthless piece of shit. shrill. In his latest post on his blog-which attracts such high quality readership as would read that other
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I am back here in the Whining States of America for a short while-for personal business-before returning to the fray on the other side of the Atlantic. Coming back to the US after a prolonged period of living someplace else always provides a good opportunity to showcase the ways America is
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Well might as well beat the dead horse some more. About the Secret Service "scandal"-which is not a scandal really, but a minor incident that has been blown WAY OUT OF PROPOROTION. The New York Post is printing pictures of some of the girls in question-wonder how much they paid
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Been busy-and on the move. Accordingly, posting has been light. Spike has a link up to a …….wait for it…… a blow by blow description of the woman who started the whole Secret Service mess. I am not sure any woman-bubble butt or not is worth $ 800 just for one's night
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The Secretary of State wants to unwind a bit swigging some beer in a Columbian hot spot. And that's OK. But a hard working member of the military or a Secret Service Agent wants to drink a few beers and slice off a nice guilt free piece of Columbian
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A rocket scientist in North Korea. Job security (and survivabilty) is probably not the best.
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Daniel Henniger, writing in the Wall Street Journal-a once great paper that has been destroyed by Rupert Murdoch-says that the Obama administration is trying to destroy Paul Ryan. Claiming that Democrats have adopted the Cold War strategy of “launch on warning” he says: With the presidential battle begun, the Obama
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