Far East Cynic

Another of Uncle Vern’s mistakes to be corrected?

I hate the Aquaflage uniform. With a passion. I am so glad I did not have to wear it-having retired before they became mandatory. I do regret not getting to wear Service Dress Khakis however. Now it would appear that the Navy may be coming to its senses. Or may

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About that new low in campaigning that the Granny Starver and his pal keep whining about.

It would seem that the GOP seems to suffer from complete memory loss. Fortunately there are folks who do remember. On the moral high ground they are not:    The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Democalypse 2012 – The New New Low Edition www.thedailyshow.com

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People would rather vote against themselves than do what is right.

One of the things that amazes me, about the milblog commenting class-is how much they opposed decent human fairness, while they themselves benefit a lot from government largesse. Its not that the "entitlements" are undeserved-but its the selfishness with which they begrudge others the same benefits. I've struggled to find

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