John Cole has a great post up summing up the way those of us who used to be in the GOP camp have been abandoned completly by the party we grew up with. I liked it so much I wanted to quote his statement of belief right here. It is
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Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.
In recent days the military journals have run stories of how Congress wants to strip commanders of their authorities to confirm or overturn the results of courts martial. This due to several high profile cases where folks did not agree with the final decision of the convening authority. On Capitol
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Steadfastness. A word to myself. Some people won't be happy until they've pushed you to the ground. What you have to do is have the courage to stand your ground and not give them the time of day. Hold on to your power and never give it away. One
Continue readingI have seen the whole of the internet…..
And trust me-its not pretty. I have been in a very pessimistic mood lately. I think it has a lot to do with the transactional nature of the interactions we have with others on the internet. I’ll expand upon that in a couple of paragraphs, but it has me wondering
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I have been watching with great interest the cries of anguish over the so called "scandals" that have your dyed in the wool member of the Teabag set, salivating and dreaming of the day they get their revenge. Just for grins I actually dropped in on the group "that prides
Continue readingYet another sign of the Apocalypse.
The S.O. actually got a part time job. So she can actually start paying some of her share of the load around here. ( Since she has seen fit to disdain to do her womanly duty with the requisite frequency). Wonders will never cease.
Continue readingA great announcement
Yes! Yes! Yes! The New Asian Sirens web site is up and running! A great day for all connoisseurs of hot looking Asian tuna……….. Links to be updated this evening.
Continue readingThe Professor would like a word, please.
Speaking of things that are degrading to women, back in January, Martin Van Creveld published a fine article in Small Wars Journal. In it he makes the point that got RDML Gaouette fired, namely that there is a double standard existing in today's military-and its one where one gender is
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This is why the Navy cannot have nice things. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has ordered a close-up and comprehensive inspection of all military offices and workplaces worldwide to root out any “materials that create a degrading or offensive work environment.” The extraordinary searches will be similar to those the Air
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Ever spend any time on a staff-or at Fleet Forces Command in the past 5 years? You know this scene quite well:
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