Those Americans who think the ends justify the means are just as guilty of crimes against the Constitution as Elon Musk is.
Warning notice! Profanity and an angry tone follows……
I have had it with my fellow Americans, who display a fundamental ignorance of how their government and, more importantly, its founding document work. I cannot be patient with them, and because of their stupidity, they deserve to suffer painfully every bit as much as Elon Musk does.
Let’s be very blunt here — the ends do not justify the means. One does not get to violate The Constitution just because it makes some right-wingers happy.
Elon Musk’s DOGE is an illegal and unconstitutional organization. No one elected Elon Musk. He is not a constitutional officer. DOGE is not a chartered organization, nor has ANY of its funding been approved by Congress.
Furthermore — it’s guilty of false advertising in that it was portrayed as a study group, not something that would actually direct governmental actions. It has no authority to do so.
Let’s repeat that. Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7 gives Congress—and only Congress—the power of the purse. If Trump and his crew of fascists want to remove funding for government agencies, there is a process for doing so. It’s called the Appropriations and Budget process. President Shitgibbon can submit it as part of his budget request. Congress can debate it and pass appropriations bills with language to do so, and Shitgibbon himself can sign it into law.
Sending in a bunch of young, unqualified hackers, many of whom have more red flags than a third ex-wife, is not, repeat, not the way these things are done.
And the “how” these things are done matters a great deal. I find it incomprehensible that so many worthless Americans do not understand that.
It’s incredibly frustrating to hear the same stupid things over and over:
What’s he doing wrong? Finding all the wasted billions given or stolen by government employees.
So, you want the government to continue wasting money?
Trump is simply doing what the voters wanted.
The answer to these questions is, “No, he is not. Furthermore, Musk has offered no proof that the money is being “wasted” — in many cases, they are valid appropriations supporting American policy initiatives. His ‘opinion’ on government spending matters not one bit. Let him run for office if he wants to influence policy and budgets.”
Mainly offensive is the assertion that government employees are “stealing the money.” They are not — the smears against government employees are unconscionable and disgusting. Prove it, you worthless sacks of conservative shit.
As Timothy Snyder wrote:
It is as though we have boarded a train without thinking about the destination. The windows are shaded, and the conductors have purposes of their own, which have nothing to do with our dignity, rights, or humanity. I worry that we will not see that line approaching, that no one will get out, that no one will stop the train.

Process matters. And every American should be exceedingly troubled by so many elected representatives ceding even more power to the Executive Branch. The power of the purse belongs to Congress; the courts have the power to interpret the laws and enforce them. When JD Vance and others state that “judges can’t challenge President Trump’s “legitimate power,” he is committing treason against the law and Consitution of the United States.
By making funding decisions and hacking databases, Elon Musk and his crew of DOGE traitors are most assuredly committing treason.
You do remember that the Constitution mentions the penalty for treason do you not?

Ask yourself, where does it stop? If the President can wily-nily impound funds and not execute the budget passed by Congress, can Trump stop paying Social Security checks? Can Trump deny women the right to vote by executive order? He’s already trying to deny birthright citizenship — something that is explicitly written into the 14th Amendment.
Either we follow the law, or we destroy ourselves as a nation. This point should be self-evident to every American — even the worthless slime who wear their MAGA hats and support a degenerate criminal, rapist, and traitor. It disgusts me that this point has to be explained repeatedly to people who should know better.
It has to stop. Elon Musk has to be forcefully, if necessary, driven out of government buildings and computer systems. And he should be painfully punished for the crimes he has already committed. Please don’t kid yourself; he is not doing this to improve the country. He is doing this to enrich himself and starve average Americans.

I gave 42 years of service to his country under the obligation of a sacred oath to “protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
Elon Musk and his henchmen are domestic enemies of the Constitution — and they have to be physically, financially, and legally destroyed.
If the White House decides it can defy the will of the courts, then the people must defy the will of the White House.