Being the trendy, social media maven that I am (sarcasm definitely intended), I’ve gotten up and running on Tik Tok. Besides being a wonderful way to give Donald Trump the finger in 2020 – it has been really fun to see how creative a lot of people around the world can be.
And then there are all the really cute women and their sexual innuendos. 😀

There is also on the platform, some excellent spoken political commentary – which is a feat unto itself when you consider the average TikTok poster has only about 90 seconds to get a point across.
Nonetheless, some people manage to get the job done. Like this guy pointing out the Hegelian Hell, our Boomer and Gen X selfish pigs are leaving for the younger generation.
@gerard.leconte Answer to @theswolecialist #left #leftist #socialist #communism #socialism #democrat
Pretty much sums it up.
Our systems and institutions punch us down, instead of lifting us up. Why is it that the average American lives paycheck to paycheck now — and has precisely zero chance of moving up the socioeconomic ladder, but an almost sure chance of moving down it? Think about what the above really means. It isn’t just that Americans pay too much for basic things, so much that they’re left indebted and weary and powerless. It’s that there’s a very specific pattern to the way that Americans are exploited by their systems and institutions. They are punched down, over and over again, at the precise moments they have already been knocked down — and need someone to help lift them back up. Is it any wonder there’s no upward mobility, soaring depression, a sense of fatalism and futility, falling living standards, and an imploded middle, when everybody’s being punched down, at the critical turning points they need lifting up?
A good question – one that a fair number of Americans don’t want to answer.