A worthless man, you know very little about, achieved his long-stated goal of destroying the United States tonight.
That man is Leonard Leo, former head of the Federalist Society:
Leonard Leo is on the brink of achieving the goal he has been working toward for decades: a lasting conservative supermajority on the Supreme Court. Almost comically shadowy and conspiratorial, he can, at times, seem ripped from the pages of a Dan Brown novel. A member of the Knights of Malta, an archconservative Roman Catholic secret society, who has a taste for fine wine and tailored suits, he is judicial consigliere to the oligarch class—an expert at manipulating campaign finance law to funnel millions of dollars into the conservative political project.
Leonard Leo wants to take America back to the 1930’s – and make you suffer on the way there.
And today, an unelected President – representing a minority of the population got his third Supreme Court justice in as many years.
Amy Comey Barrett has no business being a Supreme Court Justice – she only has 2.7 years on the federal bench. But she was nominated after being pushed by slime like Leonard because she was thought to be a reliable hack who would vote the party line.
And right away, she proved that she was:

Trump was positively orgasmic tonight. Which is truly interesting considering that he should be sick.
Of course, he is happy. He thinks he just got his golden ticket to steal the election.
Which is more of a possibility than some might think thanks to the other worthless hack he nominated:
The Supreme Court on Monday night rejected a pandemic-related request from Democrats and civil rights groups to extend the deadline for counting mail-in ballots received after Election Day in the battleground state of Wisconsin.
Of course, they did. We should remember, after all, that three of the current justices worked on the Bush side in Bush vs Gore in 2000.
I think what bothers me the most about Barrett’s shitty nomination process is how Trump and his lackeys pretend that this is normal. That’s it’s perfectly fine to include scum like the Federalist Society into a governmental process. And that someone with as little experience as Barrett has is considered an acceptable candidate for the highest court in the land. There are many more experienced judges out there.
That shitty people like McConnell think this is ok when KNOWS the majority of the people oppose it – and her. This is not normal. And do not kid yourself. They do not care what the people want. They want worthless people like Leonard Leo, Grover Norquist, Erik Erikson, and other slime setting our policy agenda. All of these people deserve every bad thing that can befall them.
However, given the way this year has gone, I wonder if anything will. It seems only the good people are made to suffer.
You no longer even pretend to be sane. I have to admit, watching a peer go down in this way is kind of fun. How you go rabid is always a kind of fresh scent of air. Try to grow up and not just indulge yourself in ridiculous.
You were once a captain. Look back and try to see if sanity is in the window.
I find it interesting that you consider support for a bonafide traitor and enemy of the Constitution to be somehow “sane”. It’s not. If anything, the last two weeks since the election have proven that its not me that has a problem grasping reality it’s the MAGA horde.
Perhaps you should rethink that statement. Seventy Two Million Americans loved the guy that killed 252 Thousand Americans & infected another 12 Million.
Many of whom were their own blood.
Now, that’s gotta be some new species of stupid that’s gonna make some social psychologists very famous.
And in a normal world – Barrett would not be a Justice on the Court. Neither would Kavanaugh.