It’s broken all right – they don’t even try to pretend anymore.

Hopefully, you had a chance to read my latest post before this one about how the major machinery of our US government is broken. If you have not, please go here first, then come back and read this post.

I’ll wait.

Today in the sham that is passing for Senatorial due diligence came a solitary bright spot. Senator Whitehouse of Rhode Island elegantly laid out why the game is rigged in choosing this worthless hack as a Supreme Court justice. She is every bit as much of a hack as Kavanaugh was – and is entitled to be dragged across the coals, just as Kavanaugh was.

Take about 25 minutes of your time and watch this skillful dissection of the slugs at The Federalist Society. Grab a drink, sit back, and learn a thing or two.

In case you’re missing Whitehouse’s point, he’s telling Barrett that she’s the product of a corrupt system. Which she is. And for all her supposed faith, she’s fine with that. So yea- I get to attack her religion. I get to attack her legal record, slim as it is. I get to attack her unethical embrace of certain political groups. In summary, I get to attack everything about her professionally because she is being nominated for a job she has no business being nominated for at this time.

Thank you, Dr. Warren. She should not be confirmed because we are prostituting the process. In a real administration, they would pick the best legal minds – not someone who has betrayed the law and was solicited by the thugs at the Federalist Society. No amount of judges is worth this. Ever – regardless of who is President.

Of course the usual whiners were immediately upset:

The Republicans went predictably into orbit. Ted Cruz tried to throw some statistics back at Whitehouse and Young Ben Sasse snidely referred to Whitehouse’s visual aids as “Beautiful Mind charts,” referring to the scribblings of schizophrenic math genius John Nash, because Young Ben Sasse rarely misses an opportunity to be an insufferable nuisance. But they couldn’t refute the case that Whitehouse had made so relentlessly: that this nomination is a bag job being hustled through to please a half-mad president* who may be howling down the hallways of the White House by now. And that it was planned and executed by a vast and single-minded network of which no parallel exists on the other side.

This is not how the government is supposed to work – and it never should be the position of ANY elected representative that it is. It’s what we have come to expect in the second decade of the 21st century – truly evil people defending the indefensible.

When you find hypocrisy in the daylight, look for the power in the shadows.

1 comment

  1. Amen, brother! Wasn’t Sen. Whitehouse FANTASTIC? I voted today out here in Lalaland, and I can honestly say, I will sleep well tonight, and Fuck Trumpito! xoxo

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