Far East Cynic

A good life……stolen

Donald Trump murdered Herman Cain yesterday.

No, he didn’t!!” you say. “He died of COVID-19. He was not murdered.

Really? Who browbeat people into supporting the extraordinary level of ignorance regarding this disease that Trump has fostered for over six months?

Who decided to hold a rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, over the objections of common sense and practically every public-health expert in the country, who warned that the event would spread the coronavirus?

Who politicized the simple common courtesy of wearing a face mask, turning from a necessary public health precaution to a show of disloyalty to the MAGA Cause? Who made it such an expression of conservative ideology that it caused Herman Cain, someone who was smart enough to know better, to tweet something like this?

But, there is no proof he got the COVID at the rally!” Professional Shitbag Erick Erickson says he knows for a fact that Herman Cain did not get it there.


How do you know this, Erick? The rally was June 20. Cain was informed he tested positive on June 29. He was admitted to the hospital on July 1. It’s entirely possible he contracted the virus there, and more importantly, even if he didn’t, he forcefully did not take necessary precautions recommended by the CDC. Not for any health reason – just to be a first-class dick.

Someone is a shitty human being, Erick, but its not me. Take a hard look in the mirror.

And then explain this:

The simple truth Mr. Erickson and the simple-minded people who think like him is that Herman Cain need not have died yesterday. As did 99% of the over 150,000 Americans who have died from this virus which is infecting the country in staggering numbers compared to the rest of the world.

Certainly, Herman Cain was smart enough to know better.

Cain was not a stupid man, nor ignorant of science; he was a trained mathematician, after all. But by 2020, Cain—a man who’d joined the Republican Party out of a sense of contrarianism—was ready to risk his life to show his lockstep conformity with party dogma. At one time, Cain seemed like a model of how an individual can live the American dream. Today, he seems like a cautionary tale about how an individual can be destroyed by American politics.

It’s a sad story, when, in fact, the life of Herman Cain should be celebrated as the American success story that it is. He was born into an impoverished existence and worked his way up to great wealth. There is ample evidence that he put some of that wealth to excellent works of charity. He worked as a civilian for the US Navy, and by the time he was 40 was a Vice President for one of America’s largest food corporations. He turned around a failing company, and when his bosses did not like his pace of progress, he did not quit, he took their ball and bought the company instead ( with the help of an investor group he cobbled together, no small feat that).

A solid record of achievement that, and out of no respect for Erick Erickson, in the words of a bible story, he traded his birthright for a bowl of soup. And it was poisoned soup at that. Just like Esau, Cain, out of a sense of ambition, gave away the most valuable item he owned – his self-respect.

And so, being the smart man Herman Cain was, he took what should have been a knowledgeable position on finances and boiled it down to a comical and insane plan when he ran for President 2011- and 2012. And why did he do that? Because the Tea Party, the group he aspired to love and who claimed to adore him – made it clear they were incapable of understanding nuance and complexity. As a result, Cain created his 9-9-9 tax plan, a plan so stupid; even his fellow Republicans rebuked it. One would have thought a former chairman of a Federal Reserve Bank would have known better.

And he probably did – but such was the level of depravity in the Republican party by that point that he felt he had to make simple for stupid people. At the time, Jon Stewart had a field day with it.

( Watch the whole clip sometime, it’s pretty funny…..and on point.)

And of course in 2016 and beyond, he got on board the Trump Train, even though the engineer was an addled idiot hepped up on Adderall who now, in 2020, is literally trying to kill all of us.

And unfortunately, he, through sins of both commission and omission, literally killed Herman Cain.

Some may not like that characterization, but I stand by it. The souls of over 150,000 dead Americans demand it. COVID may be listed on the certificate, but make no mistake about it, an evil man named Donald Trump built the foundation that gave the virus a path to Herman Cain.

And many, many, others. It’s genuinely tragic – Herman Cain and the American people deserved better.