Stop the presses!

Work has been a bit of a nuisance this week. It’s kept me from getting to a lengthy post I am working on about our boy, the orange monster.

But in the meantime, you can take some time to read about the train wreck that is happening to the Navy. About 17 years ago – a lot of people, myself included- were telling anyone who would listen that deploying 5 carrier battle groups to the Persian Gulf ( and one to the Western Pacific) was a monumental mistake that destroys the schedule and harms readiness for years to come. The price of that mistake has literally been dead Sailors and ships and aircraft coming down with huge issues long before they should have. Turns out I was right, but this is an issue I did not want to be right on.

And if you go back to many of my early posts, you will know that I was never a fan of Uncle Vern’s Fleet Response Plan. It was the wrong thing to do then – and it’s still wrong now.

Phibian, writing over at USNI blog – helps explain why.

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