No longer relevant

Meaning it really does not matter that the COVID-19 virus started in China. Sure it makes MAGA hacks feel better thinking that blaming China will change the net effects of Nero’s Trump’s fiddling while the rest of the world burned.

Blame China all you want. Post memes saying China Lied, People Died ( particularly ironic on March 19th, the anniversary of the biggest mistake in the last 50 years – 4,571 Americans who died for nothing in Iraq could not be reached for comment). Did China do things wrong? Yes. So did the US.

Blaming China may make the idiots in MAGA hats feel better, but it does not solve the current problem. More importantly – what was going on in China was known almost real-time as it happened. This administration squandered valuable time by failing to prepare and so here we are. Other nations understood and acted quicker and more effectively. Which simply makes Trump’s lies and inaction even more damning.

So I don’t really care where the virus started. It’s the Trump Plague now, whether we like it or not. Dan Bongino, Theresa A and the rest of the whiners can just go straight to hell.

Reminds me of the so called “nice people” on the front porch of certain military blogs back in the day, clinging to the illusion that the surge was working and anyone who pointed out the entire invasion was stupid and counter-productive to begin with was a traitor to his country. Even when after years of watching, all the prophetic words of how it would destroy military readiness for future events has come true with a vengeance. They just had to defend yet another stupid war in the Middle East.

Which is really ironic today – the 17th Anniversary of Bush’s folly, the point of departure from a hopeful timeline that brought us to where we are today.

Haranguing on and on about how the virus started in China, and taking solace in blaming the Chinese over and over again, brings to mind the words of a North Vietnamese General when asked about the war some 32 years ago.

‘You know, you never beat us on the battlefield,’ I told my North Vietnamese counterpart during negotiations in Hanoi a week before the fall of Saigon. He pondered that remark a moment and then replied, ‘That may be so, but it is also irrelevant.’

So it is with Trump’s whinefest today at his daily press conference, an event that should, in and of itself be quarantined.

The now-daily gathering of the Coronavirus SuperFriends on Thursday took the express bus to Crazytown, perhaps never to return. This is because they insist on telling El Caudillo del Mar-A-Lago where the briefing is and at what time it will be held. Can’t someone just lie to him about all that?

When Trump continues to lie about how great a job he is doing and “how no one could have foreseen this coming”, remember this: to believe that Trump did not know about Corona Virus, means you have to believe that US Intel agencies were not monitoring events in China and neither was the State Dept. This, even though the Bejing Embassy is one of our largest embassies and we have three consulates in China. It means you have to believe the intelligence agencies were not doing their job and not providing due diligence up the chain. That is a stretch when you consider the professionals we have working in our intel agencies. So, the only realistic conclusion is: Trump and his lackey’s disregarded the intelligence.

Of course he did, that is who he is. Because that is how low we have fallen.

Yes, George W. Bush and company must bear the blame for the mistake that was made this day, some 17 years ago. However he did not go at his mistake with the genuine lack of decency and malice that his successor did some 12 years later:

After the 9/11 attacks, President George W. Bush made an early visit to a Washington mosque. He spoke feelingly against bigotry and helped curb the rash of hate crimes that erupted in the fall of 2001.

Trump and his party-line media do not do that. They cannot do that. That would take empathy—and empathy might dangerously remind Americans of the tragic cost of Trump’s mismanagement and absent leadership. Rage is all they feel, so the rage is all they can express. Hatred fills their hearts, so hatred fills their mouths. The government and the government-line television network are, for the time being, in the charge of broken souls. Those broken souls are breaking a nation.
David Frum.

“The virus started in China!”

“That may be so, but it is also irrelevant.

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