Far East Cynic

Pitch Meeting

Happy Saturday! Tomorrow it’s time to make the jump back across the pond back to Germania. Plenty of political news to dissect, especially the current effort to fuck up the Supreme Court for generations.

But sometimes you just need to laugh and for that, I very often turn to the hallowed halls of Youtube to watch stupid videos. But they are stupid and funny and they give me a laugh. Lately, I have been enjoying binging on a set of video’s called Pitch Meeting. It’s by a guy named Ryan George. Pretending to be a Script Writer pitching a new movie, (most of them Superhero movies); shot with Ryan George in both the role of writer and producer ( shot from different camera angles). The thrust of each video is that a movie executive and a screenwriter make terrible decisions while planning popular films. It serves as a great device to highlight the absurdity of plot holes in many movies. Its funny, or at least I think so. They have some gimmicks they use in every video.  You’ll see if you watch a few of them. Watch one for yourself:

Now, it could just be that I have a sick sense of humor- but I like not to think so. Enjoy.