After last night’s Rethuglican slugfest. My takeaways:
Trump does not have as much game as he thinks he does, and needs to put Super Tuesday away quickly. Time is not on his side. That said, he is right about Rubio and Cruz, they have never led anyone or hired anyone. ( Besides hacks like them).
Both Cruz and Rubio are entitled, arrogant pricks. Rubio will make the GOP more inclusive? I don’t think so-especially when the consequences of his tax and economic policies come home to roost. And stop talking about Reagan you worthless piece of shit. You don’t know the first thing about the real Ronald Reagan. Chupar una polla culo.
It is a shame Kasich’s record is at odds with his rhetoric. He is the only one who looked sane on the stage. His answer on why business is business and vendors don’t get to make value judgments on their customers is one I very much agreed with. But then you remember he just defunded planned parenthood. Since he is from Pittsburgh this makes him a:

Oh and by the way, one reason you know he was a bit right is that the real douchbags at National Review came after him immediately.
With every word, Kasich is demonstrating that he knows nothing about the legal position of the Christian bakers/florists.
— David French (@DavidAFrench) February 26, 2016
Or the response from this bag de la douche:
Kasich shows his complete misunderstanding of faith in his failure to defend religious liberty. #MadetoCare
— Bill Blankschaen (@BillintheBlank) February 26, 2016
The bible has a word for men like these: Pharisee.

Evangelicals are constantly bellowing about America’s moral decay. They could stand to take a look in the mirror
And then there is poor Dr. Carson.

Every time I think the GOP of 2016 has hit rock bottom, someone takes out a pickax and digs a new sub-basement. Only one thing to do, and that is drink! Forget beer we need to move straight to the hard stuff:

And after that? Well It’s time to get laid!