Far East Cynic

The other shoe drops.

Nothing will ruin your day like a collision at sea.

Or a grounding.

This business of firing CO’s at a drop of a hat is getting out of control. Not every mistake needs to be published by public execution. It might be that given the chance he might learn a good deal and be a better commander and officer in the long run.

But we will never know, will we?

The commanding officer of the frigate Taylor was fired Tuesday two weeks after his ship ran aground in the Black Sea, where it was standing by in case it was needed to support security at the Winter Olympics.

Cmdr. Dennis Volpe was removed from command of the Mayport, Fla.-based frigate by Capt. Jim Aiken, the head of Task Force 65, “due to loss of confidence in Volpe’s ability to command,” 6th Fleet said in a Tuesday news release.

Taylor ran aground Feb. 12 while preparing to moor in Samsun, Turkey, with no reported injuries. The Navy publicized the incident a week later, during the investigation.

The investigation hasn’t turned up anything egregious, said Navy spokeswoman Lt. Cmdr. Sarah Flaherty, who characterized the incident as a “standard grounding.”

Good thing Chester Nimitz did not have to serve in today’s Navy.

I shudder to think what hell it must be to be in command in today’s Navy. If you are male-you start with one strike against you. If you like to have fun and are a liberty hound in port-the count automatically becomes 3-2. Of course, if you are female………..