Returning to the scene of the crime.

Sitting in the lounge at FRA, drinking beer and eating my “lunch”. Criticize Europe as much as you want, teabag America, at least it has decent train service. Nice ride on the train up here-and wifi on the train worked great.

In an hour or so-I will board a flight and head back to Romania-the place I spent some 4 and 1/2 months in in 2010 and 2011. I am looking forward to seeing my old haunts again-although I am sure they have changed. Wonder if the barmaids at the pool will still be there? 🙂

It is just a quick trip-I am covering down on a co-workers portfolio since the Navy has called him back to active duty. I suspect it was a mutually agreeable arrangement given the fact that he would have had to eat the same furlough I am having to eat. A 1 year stint in some hellhole garden spot, at least keeps him earning money. Would that I had such an option, but alas I am long passed the ability to do that.

The weather promises to be warm-which hopefully means that one will see legions of bra-less Romanian women in the subways, as was the case during my last trip there. And in case you have forgotten why this is a plus-here’s a refresher course.

With the holiday weekend-and my impending 20% pay cut-I cannot stay more than a couple of days. However will try to report what I can.

Happy Sunday!

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