The beauty of a man who can master the language.

As is no secret to many who have read here a while, you know that I am a big fan of Herman Wouk. While I was in Israel last week-I had the opportunity to visit Yad Vashem. Yad Vashem is the Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem. I had not visited Yad Vashem in over 20 years. It is an amazing sight-and at the same time-a depressing place. The main point Yad Vashem drives home is this: the Holocaust represents a huge human tragedy in our history, one for which we all bear some level of anguish and sorrow. The idea that a nation-a nation that was the home of a revolution in Christianity-decided with methodical consistency to extinguish a whole generation of humanity. How could that happen? And why was the rest of the world so apathetic to the real evidence of its occurrence?

The video below was made in 2001 in California. It is very, very, long. ( almost an hour). But it is worth your time. I am envious-I will never have the ability to use words the way this man can. You should read his books and hear his words. They are awesome. He is an ardent defender of Israel-for better or worse. Nonetheless-he makes one understand the pull of this one nation over all others in our world.

Watch it and observe for your self:


It is well worth your time.  It is important to hear-to understand the modern Jewish State. The State that I admire dearly-but only understand about halfway.

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