Tomorrow night I plan on getting really loaded after I go to Hebrew class. I should have been on a plane to Tel Aviv tomorrow-there to look at nice Israeli women with big knockers and drink Goldstar beer, but thanks to the lunacy known as the sequester-and the impending layoff I am expecting to receive because of it, it was decided they could not afford to send me. Even though there is a lot of work to be done on my project-that cannot be thrashed out by that bane of my existence-the video teleconference. ( If I could uninvent that abomination, believe me I would.).
So as we count down the hours to yet another fiscal disaster our GOP Galtian overlords have put upon us-I thought it would be a great time to point out that most of what they are telling you about the “problem” is wrong. If they are not outright lying-they are leaving out important bits of context and detail out that change the picture rather dramatically.
Let’s start with Lie # 1: Obama was the father of the sequester. It is a complete and utter untruth to say that because it ignores the background and the context. What the House Republicans fail to tell you are that Republicans had threatened to crash the economy on purpose unless their debt-ceiling demands were met, and in the hopes of resolving the crisis, President Obama offered Republicans an overly-generous, $4 trillion “Grand Bargain,” which included entitlement cuts and new revenue. Boehner was inclined to accept it, but his caucus balked, forcing the Speaker to walk away from the table. Eric Cantor has admitted this, twice. Instead of a Grand Bargain, Cantor and the House Republicans made a grand bet. The bet failed spectacularly. Obama won the election.
Now let’s move on to lie number #2-under President Obama, federal spending has exploded and as a result, he has added 1 trillion a year to the deficit. “Its the spending stupid-we have to cut spending! We are robbing from our children”.
Well, first of all, “Your children are going to be just fine”, and second-its not true. Either on the spending side or the deficit side. Oh, there was a President that exploded federal spending- most of it for stupid wars for worthless Arabs and for a lot of things we didn’t need, but his name began with a B, and not an O. Consider the fact that for the last several years, federal spending has actually declined.

Now if that were not enough to refute the critics-then consider this little tidbit, federal hiring has also declined significantly too:

And of course
Worst thing is even if somehow congress would tax the big fatcats properly, they can move their assets offshore to Bahamas or other tax paradise with one click of the mouse… and nothing can match ingenuity of tax evaders… when here in Poland few years ago, bank savings were taxed, even before law was made into effect, banks offered alternative in the form of "insurances" being thinly disguised bank deposits…