Well we rang in the new year in fine -well, sort of fine fashion. Went over to our neighbors house and watched all the fireworks, drank champagne and beer and came home about 3 AM. S.O. fell into bed-without even so much as a "Happy New Year" handshake. I'm taking it as a good sign she is not getting the fucking point here.
Then I wake up this morning to find my Samsung Galaxy S3 phone-dead. Completely. Won't charge, I have changed the battery ( well took it out and put it back in) and can't even get it to do a hard reset. It is now just a slim, black, paperweight. So on top of dealing with the car tomorrow-on top of having to go to work, I have to get to a store and see if they will swap out this phone for a new one. Yea I am liking that. 🙁
And to add insult to injury, I was awake when the booze wore off-while the S.O. is still sleeping, now 4 hours past.
The neighbors were talking about 2013 being an un-lucky year. I wonder if they were right.