Finally-a miracle has happened.

Our long national nightmare is over ( at least for this election cycle).

The worthless piece of human excrement know as Allen West has finally recognized the obvious, namely that he lost and will no longer be stalking the halls of Congress.

I am sure MPRI would gladly take him back and he can stalk the hills of Afghanistan.

Florida Rep. Allen West — the tea party pugilist and face of the class of House Republicans that stormed to power two years ago — conceded Tuesday to 29-year-old construction executive Patrick Murphy in one of the nation’s highest-profile congressional races.

After two weeks of battle with St. Lucie County elections officials — and a recount of early votes that wound up extending Murphy’s lead — West acknowledged that he couldn’t surmount his 1,904-vote, or 0.58 percent, deficit. That difference was just outside the 0.5 percent threshold to automatically trigger a recount of all votes.

Politico being Politico,  did their best to polish a turd tried to put a positive spin on the Congressman's incredibly childish and selfish antics of the last two years, describing him as a "rare truth teller" in politics.

The Liars Club led by the "dumbest man on the Internet", Jim Hoft, has draped themselves in ashes and sack cloth. Seeing these useless men  whine is probably the best part of the whole event. I am glad I gave money to Murphy, just for the privelege of seeing them cry.

Whereas West tries in his concession speech,  to portray himself as some lone prayer warrior on a crusade-the facts of his tenure in Congress portray him in a less glowing light.

West first gained notoriety during his military service in Iraq, when he was forced to retire from the Army for engaging in abusive interrogation techniques. As a congressional candidate,he incorporated violent rhetoric into his campaign speeches, and made demonstrably ridiculous claims about his own background. Shortly before the 2010 midterms, we learned about West's ties to a violent gang of criminals, which the Justice Department believed was involved in drug running, arson, prostitution, robbery, and murder.

Despite all of this, West won anyway — and that's when the Republican got really weird.

Though West was only in office for one two-year term, it's challenging to note all of his unhinged antics — Tim Murphy pulled together a greatest-hits list of sorts yesterday — but I'd remiss if I neglected to note some of my favorites.

In West's mind, if you disagree with him, you're (a) a communist; (b) a supporter of slavery; or (c) quite possibly a communistic supporter of slavery. He doesn't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in Congress; he saw the AOL-Huffington merger as a secret plot to undermine conservatives; and he called for the U.S. government to censor news organizations.

West also once famously told Democratic leaders, "[G]et the hell out of the United States of America."

We don't yet know what West will do next — he may very well run again in two years, and start the cycle of nonsense all over again — but for now, he's poised to leave the congressional stage after blazing quite a trail.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

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