Evil is readily visible

I stayed up drinking last night and watched the VP debate. ( Because I have a Sky satellite-a Murdoch product- I get ………..wait for it………Fox News. I held my nose and turned it on for the debate coverage).

I'll make no bones about it-I thought Joe Biden was very good last night and gave the "zombie eyed granny starver" a verbal beating. One he richly deserves. ( He deserves a Louisville Slugger beating too, but somehow the Secret Service seems to object to that).

Charles Pierce, author extraordinaire , hailing from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts ( God save it!). sums the debate up well:


If you believe that Thursday night's vice-presidential debate was a "draw" because Joe Biden was "rude" and "disrespectful" while Paul Ryan was obviously being disingenuous and uninformed, or that you've decided to go with "disingenuous" and "uninformed" because its manners made it more "likable," then you deserve the inadequate health-care voucher that's coming your way in 2014, as well as the letter from the Social Security Administration that your benefits will be down to 85 cents a month because International Embezzlement LLC went belly-up and took your retirement with it. Tough luck, kids. Them's the risks of an Opportunity Society.


Bear in mind: A lot of the elite media was pitching this line of, yes, malarkey while the debate was in progress. David Gregory was on the magic Twitter machine, telling us that his "moderate" acquaintances were wondering about Biden's demeanor. And Luke Russert was being, well, Luke Russert, which is to say somebody who ought to be filing his dispatches every day in Colorforms.

As I pointed out earlier, the actual news in this debate was Biden's ability to make Paul Ryan own his earlier, extremist self on everything from Social Security to a woman's right to choose. Going back over the transcript, on the latter issue, I find that Ryan was even worse than I thought….

Paul Ryan is a truly evil man-save for the fact he does not know he is evil and is convinced he is doing the Lord;s work. Which is only true if you deep down believe the Almighty is a cruel bastard- a concept I refuse to accept. I would have loved it had Joe asked Paul Ryan why, if God is so powerful and the State so incompetent, he doesn't just trust God to mete out whatever comeuppance all those women having , as one of Pierces commentators states: "Brooks- and Clan of the Red Beanie-unauthorized sexytime with their ladybits have coming and leave the incompetent state out of it. If you ask me, Ryan's faith, reflected in his preferred policy, is far weaker and smaller than that of those who hold that the conversation between another person and God is not for them to insert themselves into. And the decision whether or not to have a child? That's about as intimate a conversation as any person will ever have with his or her higher power."

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