
I will not be blogging for about a week or so. I have to up to Landstuhl Hospital to have cataract surgery on my right eye. To say that I am nervous about it is an understatement-but I can no longer put it off. And arranging to get it done through the TRICARE system has been a bit of a challenge-however once I got through the "gatekeepers" the treatment from the professionals at Landstuhl has been excellent. Lets hope it stays that way through the next week.

Could I have had this done through the German system? Yes-but I would have had to front a great deal of my own money and then work to get it back through my insurance. Such is the problem of being US insured, while being in an overseas system. Fortunately for me, Landstuhl had a spot and once I had jumped through the TRICARE hoops, they were able to take me on board. I had considered going back to the US to have it done-so that they could bill my insurance directly, but it would have eaten up all of my sick leave. This allows me to go back and forth by train and make my appointments. Plus I will get some opportunity to shop at the "big PX" at Ramstein. ( Which is obscene in its size-as only the USAF could build).

I can't imagine what it would be like to be facing this without insurance. The cost while not large by some standards, would hurt me more than a little financially. And yet, that is exactly what some back in my home country are proposing for their fellow citizens. I cannot accept that line of thinking. That's why I won't be supporting Romney/ Ryan this election. ( among many reasons).

I was thinking about that this morning,  when I decided to act on my thoughts by making a donation to the campaign of Patrick Murphy, the man who is running against the poster child, Allen West. Its a small race in Florida-but if West can be defeated, it raises hope for the rest of us. It was just a small donation, but many donations add up to a strong campaign.

If you feel as strongly as I do about politics in the US, consider making a donation to help take back the house from the Teabaggers.

God willing, I will "see" you in a week or so. Wish me luck!


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