The Breitbart legacy ( and its not a good one).

Andrew Breitbart died last March. Sadly, his media outlet, the Breitbart blogs, did not join him in death. They, sadly, continue on, providing dishonest commentary at every turn.

My Canadian Counterpart has a great post up pointing out the details. It is worth the read-because one can never be reminded too much of what a charlatan Breitbart was, and the corrosive effect he had on the politics of the United States.

As Buckley or George Will have repeatedly demonstrated over the decades, there is no shortage of serious and factual ways to criticize liberals. But with the ascendancy of Breitbart, it became okay to mislead, selectively edit and, when all else failed, lie outright. He and his followers regularly engaged in hysterical rhetoric that more closely resembled what you would have heard from Democratic activists in the 1960s and 70s.

However, nothing succeeds quite like success, so Breitbartism spread like wildfire, first through the Tea Party, then the GOP as a whole. If you know anything about history or political science, it's virtually impossible to take these people seriously. People whose intellectual forefathers (and I use the word "intellectual" advisedly) were castigated and shunted aside by Buckley are increasingly taking over the movement and driving it into the ground so rapidly that it staggers the imagination.

Especially enjoyable is description of the current bunch of hacks who are carrying on the big boy's legacy:

You haven't heard much from the Breitbart Empire since its founder's passing in March. This is mostly because Andrew himself was a showman. He knew how to play the media and make it pay attention. Without him, all that's left is paranoid raving on a very flashy and expensive blog. It's writers are little more than a collection of intellectual misfits (emphasis added by me) who regularly insult the intelligence of anyone with a high school diploma. Oh, and they have a few radio talk show hosts, just to make sure that folks who didn't make it through high school get their intelligence insulted.

Sums up everything you ever needed to know about those folks quite well. Read the whole post-its a treat.

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