Can’t believe I missed this.

Neo-con (knee-o-kon), -a person or persons having a warped and antiquated viewpoint of the world, who,- when in a position of power- commits your country to a seemingly endless series of wars. Each one more disastrous than the one that preceded it. Said neo-cons never seem to know how to finish said wars, but love to spout phrases again and again like, " We only need to stay the course, if you oppose the war you are an enemy of freedom, the surge worked and that's why we need another surge, and the ever popular: Iraq was a success story".  Neo-cons come in all shapes, sizes , colors and genders. Can f*ck up a nation's foreign policy regardless of religious belief.


I have been busy! Can't believe I missed this little tidbit earlier this week.

For over a decade, "neocon" has been argumentative shorthand used by the Left for "conservative Jew." "Slither" – well, anyone who even has a paper-thin reading of the history of anti-Jewish propaganda can understand that.

Mr Drum, call your office:

I know, I know: it's Commentary. What do you expect? But can't we ever put a stop to this? Neocons exist. They're neither shadowy nor conspiratorial. They're part of an actual political movement with a very visible public profile. They tend to be hawkish, solicitous of Israel's right wing, hostile toward Arabs, and they played a big role in committing the United States to a disastrous war in Iraq. That's just reality, and the mere fact that many neocons are Jewish doesn't give them a magic shield that protects them from criticism.

There's nothing anti-Semitic in Dowd's column. She just doesn't like neocons, and she doesn't like the fact that so many of the neocons responsible for the Iraq debacle are now advisors to Mitt Romney's campaign. Pretending that this makes her guilty of hate-mongering toward Jews is reprehensible.

I quite agree. And that, my dear Phibian, is what is really a FULL STOP.

Neo-con as an anti-semitic slur? Best joke I've read all week. I'll have to remember it's a slur the next time I read it Haaretz. ( They use the word neo-con every day. Wonder if it affects their primarily Jewish circulation any?).

Sometimes a snake in the grass is just a snake in the grass. Or a Neo-con.

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