Someone had to say it.

Women have no business going to Ranger School. There! I said it-and I'll keep saying it.  There are roles for men and women to play in society, and  Mr. Kilcullen asks a very good question. Pity, no one will listen to him.

It has occurred to me that when the military dropped the combat exclusion-it lost any grounds it had to fight gays in the service. One of the things that really fires me up is the people who are pushing their daughters to do things they have no business doing ( like my Alabama neighbor-who we had dinner with when we were back there, whose daughter is in submarines and was one of the group the White House paid to fly up to DC. I had to keep quiet and bite my tounge, after all he was paying for dinner.)-and in the same breath oppose the end of Don't Ask Don't Tell. Sorry pal-you need to be opposed to both of them.

Read it for yourself.



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