Who lost China?

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William Jacobson is a worthless piece of shit. shrill.

In his latest post on his blog-which attracts such high quality readership as would read that other font of conservative wisdom, Andrew Breitbart, he has decided to blame the entire Middle East problem on Obama. In essence-he is re-running the "Who lost China?" argument-only this time he is saying we "lost" the middle east.

Like it was ever ours to lose. And to argue that Obama "lost" the Middle East without specifcally noting the role that multiple failed wars-all started by Obama's predecessor-played in destroying American influence in the region, is to completely ignore the root cause of any  such decline.  And also in setting the pre-conditions for the surge of groups like the Muslim Brotherhood.

Your boy Bush caused all this trouble-and now Obama is simply carrying on his flawed policies, you idiot. But never let the facts get in the way of a strawman argument.

Maybe you should listen to Juan Cole-who knows more about the region than you ever will-who has pointed out again that ignorance of what is really going on in the region is rampant-as is evidenced by this post and others you have written over the years.

If we are losing the Middle East-it is primarily because of policies that you support. Like starting stupid wars for worthless people.

What's probably the worst is that people actually read what you write and believe it. When's the last time you were actually there-idiot?

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