Lie back-and think of England…….

You Godless harlots.

John Cole has hit on the latest example of just how stupid a certain segment of America really is:


Here is the Republican Governor of PA sharing some advice with women who will be forced to have an unnecessary ultrasound before having an abortion:

Gov. Tom Corbett  reaffirmed this week that he supports the anti-abortion measure so long as it’s not obtrusive because women could simply close their eyes during the procedure:


    QUESTION: Making them watch…does that go too far in your mind?


    CORBETT: I’m not making anybody watch, OK. Because you just have to close your eyes. As long as it’s on the exterior and not the interior.

    Critics say Corbett’s comments show he doesn’t understand how the bill would even work. While the Pennsylvania legislation has been amended to remove references to invasive transvaginal ultrasounds, the language suggests a transvaginal ultrasound could still be required if the embryo is too small. Patrick Murphy, a Democrat running for attorney general, called for Corbett to apologize for his statement. “It’s unthinkable that he would so casually dismiss this by advising women to just close their eyes,” Murphy said.

    There is just something spectacularly wrong with these people.

    And people wonder why other nations think the United States of America is losing its collective mind.

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