Multi -Media Heaven!

Well it only took 7 weeks-but we finally have reliable internet at a reasonably fast speed. PLUS-I was finally able to get our Sky Satellite working, with the assistance of a very able man who worked a lot harder than he should have to help me troubleshoot why a perfectly good satellite box could not see a signal-that its less expensive digital German counterpart could. (Turns out Sky receivers are incredibly finniky-especially when you are trying to "trick f*ck" them into thinking the receiver is in the UK. I guess I should not be shocked a Murdoch product can be a pain in the ass). But hey? I've got movies and porn on demand-life is good. 🙂

Which means I now have the bandwidth to post and see videos like this:


Still the greatest Blue Angels Video ever made! "We don't need no stinking Hornets!!"

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