Far East Cynic

The folly of the GOP

James Fallows makes a great point-its time to put the blame where it belongs. On the spoiled children of the GOP who would rather take the economy down than do the right thing.

It may be time for President Obama to give a “This is bullshit” speech about the debt-ceiling negotiations. Merrill Goozner has done an item worth noticing. It’s a proposed Presidential Address next week about the folly of Congress failing to authorize an increase in the debt ceiling, to pay for programs and tax cuts that Congress has already voted to enact.

I am sick of hearing the preaching from the hypocrites. I am angry and you should be too. The middle class is being destroyed-by sheer greed on the part of sick, twisted people who have no understanding of the facts or memory of history. 

While the House Republicans say they are representing “The American People,” they actually represent only those who voted for them, in relatively small numbers, in the 2010 midterm elections. When Peggy Noonan invokes “the old America” culture, she is referring to a time and way of life shared and longed for by at best a minority of Americans. We won’t go back to the 50’s-and one should remember that in the 50’s Eisenhower had the balls to face down the assholes in his own party-who wanted to undo the New Deal. We have no one now with similar commitment. And so we are in the mess we are in.

The debt ceiling has to be raised. I am sick of useless assholes who defend any other position. It is wrong. 

Far-right conservatives who harbor a radically different vision—of a much smaller government without the wherewithal to provide this kind of safety net—now control the House of Representatives and the Republican Party. In the debt ceiling debate, they have rejected long-term solutions that have conceded most of what they demand. They want it all.

I  say no—I acknowledge that we must reduce the debt but in ways that do not kill economic growth or gut entitlement. Much is subject to compromise, but not our future as a great nation.

  1. If the morons in Washington F**k it up and we default – I would support a “pitchforks and torches” march/rally on the capital mall…… AND a 100% turnover in all Congressional races this Fall.

  2. A query and a muse:
    If Skippy san wanted to start a business, NO, NOT THAT kind of business, what incentive would you need?
    Less taxes or more?
    Less government regulation or more?

  3. What I need is stability. Knowing what my tax rates are, what I have to fund for my employees, and what my expenses will be. From that I can manage and make adjustments accordingly.

    It is all about the “cash envelope ” and if I can live within it.

  4. re: Richard, starting a business

    How about, more demand or less?

    It isn’t about the deficit or the size of government, it’s about jobs. In this liquidity trapped economy, cutting spending makes no sense.